App integrations supported by Kombai

ESP Integrations

Kombai provide ESP integrations to allow users to export their email designs as templates and create campaigns directly to ESPs.


Kombai provides direct integration with Klaviyo. Once your Klaviyo account is connected to Kombai, you can export the generated HTML email code to Klaviyo, in two ways:

  1. Export as a Template - This will only export the generated email template to Klaviyo.
  2. Export as a Template and Create a Campaign - This will export the generated email template to Klaviyo and automatically create a Klaviyo campaign using the template in draft mode.

Here's how to connect your Klaviyo account to Kombai and export the code:

Connect your Klaviyo account

Connecting your Klaviyo account to Kombai is a one time activity. To connect your Klaviyo account to Kombai:

  1. Run Kombai for Email plugin and select the design you want to convert.
  2. Go to Settings and scroll to bottom.
  3. Click on Connect in Klaviyo section under Connected Apps.
  4. Create a new Private API Key in Klaviyo. Visit this section to know how to generate a Private API Key in Klaviyo.
  5. Paste your Klaviyo API Key and Account Name in the input box, and click Connect.

Export code to Klaviyo

To export code to Klaviyo:

  1. Run Kombai for Email plugin and select the design you want to convert.
  2. Hover on Export Code.

  1. Select Export to ESP.

  1. Click on Klaviyo.

  1. Connect your Klaviyo account to Kombai(if not connected). For this step, you will need to generate a Private API Key in Klaviyo. Visit this section to know how.
  1. Name your template and Click Export to Klaviyo. Once the template is created, you will get a direct link to Klaviyo where you can view the uploaded template.
  1. Optionally, you can create a campaign using the template. Once the campaign is created, you will get a direct link to Klaviyo where you can view the draft campaign.

Generating API key in Klaviyo

  1. Click your oraganization name in the bottom left.
  2. Go to Settings.

  1. Click API Keys.

  1. Click Create Private API Key.

  1. Name your API key and grant the following permissions to below mentioned API scopes:
    • Accounts - Read
    • Campaigns - Full Access
    • Images - Full Access
    • Lists - Read
    • Templates - Full Access
  1. Click on Create.

Removing Klaviyo integration

To remove the Klaviyo integration:

  1. Go to Settings and scroll to bottom.
  2. Click on Disconnect in Klaviyo section, under Connected ESPs.

To re-connect your Klaviyo account to Kombai, refer Connect your Klaviyo account.

Connecting multiple Klaviyo accounts

Kombai supports integration of multiple Klaviyo accounts. This feature is only available to our users on Business Plan.

There are two ways to connect multiple Klaviyo accounts to Kombai:

Through Export to ESP
  1. Connect your first Klaviyo account. Visit this section to know how to connect a Klaviyo account to Kombai.
  2. Hover on Export Code.

  1. Click Export to ESP.

  1. Under Connect Your ESP Account, click on Klaviyo.

  1. Paste your Klaviyo API Key and Account Name in the input box, and click Connect. Visit this section to know how to generate a Private API Key in Klaviyo.

Through Connected Apps
  1. Connect your first Klaviyo account. Visit this section to know how to connect a Klaviyo account to Kombai.
  2. Go to Settings and scroll to bottom.
  3. Click Connect more accounts in Klaviyo section, under Connected Apps.

  1. Paste your Klaviyo API Key and Account Name in the input box, and click Connect. Visit this section to know how to generate a Private API Key in Klaviyo.


Q1: I have successfully connected to Klaviyo but I am unable to export my email to Klaviyo from Kombai.

A: Please ensure the following points are considered before exporting your template to Klaviyo:

  1. Check if you have given all the necessary permissions to the API Key. To know what permissions to give, check point 5 of Generating API key in Klaviyo.
  2. Images that are more than 5MB in size are not supported by Klaviyo. Please make sure that each of the image you have used in the Figma design is less than 5MB. For users in Premium plan and above, we recommend selecting Optimize images for deliverability under Output Image Format to optimize image size.
  3. Currently, Klaviyo only supports images with PNG, JPG, and GIF file formats. If you are using some other image format, e.g. WEBP, please convert those images to PNG or JPG before importing to Figma.

Q2: I am unable to send any campaign or template to Klaviyo.

A: Klaviyo API only allows to upload 100 images in a day per account. By continuously uploading templates and campaigns, you may exceed the daily limit prescribed by Klaviyo.

We recommend you to follow the steps below to continue uploading to Klaviyo:

  1. Download the zip file containing assets for your design.
  2. Unzip the file and upload the assets on Klaviyo.
  3. Go back to Kombai and upload your templates/campaigns to Klaviyo.

Testing App Integrations

Kombai provide testing app integration to allow users to export the auto-generated code to your email testing app.

Email On Acid

Kombai provides direct integration with Email On Acid. Once your Email On Acid account is connected to Kombai, you can directly send the Kombai-generated code to Email On Acid to test how it will render on multiple email clients and operating systems.

This feature is currently available only to our users on Premium plan.


Note: You need to have an Email On Acid account to use this feature.

Connect your Email On Acid account

To connect your own Email on Acid account to Kombai:

  1. Run Kombai for Email plugin and select the design you want to convert.

  2. Go to Settings and scroll to bottom.

  3. Click on Connect in Email On Acid section under Connected Apps.

  4. Create a new Auto Inbox Email Address in Email On Acid. Visit this section to know how to generate Auto Inbox Email Address.

  5. Paste your Email On Acid Auto Inbox Email Address in the input box, and click Connect.

Sending the test email to Email On Acid

  1. Run Kombai for Email plugin and select the design you want to convert.
  2. Hover on Send Test icon.

  1. Click on Send to Email On Acid.

  1. Connect your Email On Acid account(if not connected). For this step, you will need to generate an Auto Inbox Email Address in Email On Acid. Visit this section to know how.

  2. Click on Go to Email On Acid to get redirected to the Email on Acid projects. You can find the Email test project with the name "Your design as an email with ❤️ from Kombai" in your Email On Acid account.


Note: The new email test project generated on Email On Acid takes some time to reflect under Projects. We recommended refreshing the page after sometime if you are unable to see the new project created by Kombai.

Getting the Auto Inbox Email Address in Email On Acid

  1. Go to Projects (opens in a new tab) under your Email On Acid acccount.

  2. Click on Email projects from ESP in the bottom pane.

  3. Select Email testing from the dropdown and copy the Auto inbox email address.

Removing Email On Acid Integration

To remove the Email On Acid integration:

  1. Go to Settings and scroll to bottom.
  2. Click on Disconnect in Email On Acid section, under Connected Apps.

To re-connect your Email On Acid account to Kombai, refer Connect your Email On Acid account.